Guns Royale: A Top-Down Battle Royale – Community Event

You are familiar with the new Battle Royale games but have you ever played one with a top-down view? That’s what Guns Royale brings to the table. You parachute into an island and loot weapons in order to survive against other players. The experience is unconventional for its genre but very entertaining. If you haven’t downloaded it yet then be sure to get it in order to join our community event this weekend. Continue reading

Mobile Battle Royale – Community Event #4

Surely you heard of the recent Mobile Battle Royale Titles that are taking the App Store & Google Play by storm. Battle Royale as a genre has been popularized on PC by games like H1Z1, PUBG, Fortnite and even streamers such as Dr DisRespect. The genre is growing on the mobile platform and we plan to explore some of the games with you. For those of you new to the Battle Royale scene, it focuses on placing countless players in an environment where they fight until one last man remains standing. Continue reading