Forward Assault: Battles of Glory Tournament – Register Now

With the first Forward Assault Tournament concluding successfully, we wanted to make a bigger and bolder tournament this time. In partnership with Gamma Labs & Blayze Games, we are proudly announcing the new Battles of Glory Tournament. This competition will be based on 3 seasons and a championship. Each season will last approximately a month and by the time the 3 seasons are complete, 12 of the top teams throughout the seasons will be selected to compete in the championship.

Battles of Glory Settings
  • Starting September 27th
  • Selected Teams Announced September 25th
  • 3vs3, 4vs4, or 5vs5
  • Any Map Allowed
  • Bomb Defuse
  • Points System
  • 120,000 Gold, Unique Skins, G FUEL Energy, GT Omega Products, Mobile Grips, GameKing Gaming Glasses, & $1000 Cash


Since we recently introduced the MOBILE E-SPORTS Bot, we have made registrations for tournaments extremely simple. If you haven’t signed up your team with our bot yet then please join our Discord Chat. Once you are there, you can head to the #bot-channel room and type the command /help to get the details on how to register and create your team.

However, if you already have created your team then all you have to do to sign up your team for this tournament is typing the command /apply FA02 in the #bot-channel. Please make sure that your created team has at least 5 players on your team list in order to apply successfully. Note, teams are able to register in this tournament even if it has started.

Tournament Explained

This tournament consists of Season 1, 2, 3, and the Championship. The prizes for the first 3 seasons are unique skins, GameKing Gaming Glasses, and 60,000 Gold for the first ranking team, 40,000 for second ranking team, and 20,000 to the third ranking team. In each season, the top ranking player will receive a GT Omega Backpack. After the three seasons end, 12 top teams will be selected to participate in the Battles of Glory Championship. Prizes for the championship consist of $1000 cash, unique skins, G FUEL Energy, GT Omega Backpacks, GameKing Gaming Glasses, and 60,000 Gold for the first ranking team, 40,000 for second ranking team, and 20,000 to the third ranking team. Moreover, a GT Omega Gaming Chair will be rewarded to the top ranking player.

The teams accepted for this tournament begin with 1000 starter points on the Leaderboard. Teams can challenge one another and agree on a date and time to play their match. The winning team will gain Points while the team that lost will lose Points. The amount of Points the teams win or lose are calculated through a formula that is coded into the Bot. Some examples that affect the amount of points gained or lost are differences in a match score, differences in the team’s rank, and number of participants that played.

While matches are usually played in a 5vs5 format, we provided the option for teams to challenge each other in 4vs4 or 3vs3 in case they both want to play but are short on players. However, if both teams agree for a 5vs5 then matches can occur in a 5vs5 format. The more players are involved, the higher points earned. Keep in mind that this tournament is based on a points system via leaderboard and not a bracket-styled competition.

There will be two tournament streams per week where we will select teams to play live on stream. Matches that occur on stream consist of more points than off-stream matches. Therefore, teams should sign up for the streamed matches when asked in order to acquire more points onto the leaderboard. Finally, make sure to read our Rules & Regulations regarding this tournament before you start playing.

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