Fair Play Guidance in Mobile Esports: Upholding Integrity and Sportsmanship

With the rise of mobile esports in popularity over the past decade, competitive gaming has become a lucrative industry. Players from all walks of life and backgrounds are engaging in intense battles, showcasing their skills, strategy, and teamwork in various mobile games. However, with the increasing competitiveness, there’s a growing need for fair play guidance to ensure a level playing field and maintain the integrity of esports.

In the Critical Ops scene, a decline in sportsmanship and mutual respect is evident, accompanied by a rise in toxicity and violations of rules within the community. Embracing the newly introduced Fair Play Guidance is paramount now, as failure to do so may result in exclusion from upcoming tournaments. The decision is in your hands – whether to become part of a community that cherishes maturity, empathy, and accountability or face the consequence of being excluded from exciting future tournaments.

Why Fair Play is Important?

Fair play in mobile esports refers to adhering to a set of ethical and sportsmanlike conduct, both within and outside the game. It includes, but not limited to, respecting opponents, following the rules, and maintaining a high standard of behavior. Here are several reasons why fair play is vital in mobile esports:

1. Maintains Sportsmanship:
Fair play fosters a sense of sportsmanship and respect among players. It encourages healthy competition where players can celebrate victories and learn from defeats, all while treating each other with respect and dignity.

2. Ensures Equality:
Fair play guarantees that all players have an equal opportunity to succeed based on their skills and dedication, rather than unfair advantages or cheating. It promotes inclusivity and diversity within the esports community.

3. Preserves Game Integrity:
Adhering to fair play guidelines preserves the integrity of the game. Cheating or engaging in unethical behavior undermines the competitive nature of esports and damages the credibility of the entire industry while affecting your team as well.

4. Positive Role Modeling:
Players, particularly those in the spotlight, serve as role models for aspiring gamers. Exhibiting fair play sets a positive example and inspires others to follow suit, promoting a culture of respect and honor.

5. Enhances Spectator Experience:
For the growing esports audience, fair play contributes to an enjoyable viewing experience. Spectators want to witness thrilling matches played with integrity, making fair play essential for the long-term sustainability and growth of the esports industry.

Fair Play Guidance in Mobile Esports

To maintain fair play in mobile esports, several guidelines and best practices should be followed:

1. Respect Your Opponents:
Treat your opponents with respect and courtesy, both in-game and during interactions outside of the game. Avoid offensive language, harassment, or unsportsmanlike behavior.

2. Respect Organisers, Staff Members, & Developers:
The tournaments you engage in are a product of the extensive effort and numerous hours dedicated daily by organisers and staff. Additionally, contributions and direction from developers play a crucial role. Any disrespect or harassment towards individuals involved in organising these tournaments will affect your participation.

3. Follow the Rules:
Abide by the rules and regulations set by the game developers, tournament organisers, and esports organisations. Understand and respect the boundaries of the game to maintain fair competition.

4. Avoid Cheating:
Never engage in cheating, hacking, exploiting glitches, or using unauthorized software to gain an unfair advantage. Uphold the spirit of fair play by playing the game as intended.

5. Acknowledge Skill and Improvement:
Celebrate your victories and acknowledge your opponents’ skills and efforts. Encourage improvement and growth within the community, helping each other become better players.

6. Report Unfair Practices:
If you encounter cheating, hacking, or any form of unfair play, report it to the appropriate channels. By doing so, you contribute to a cleaner and fairer esports environment.

7. Show Up On Time:
When you are assigned a time to show up on then you have to show up on time and not delay because there is a large number of staff that have put their time and efforts into making your match take place. Causing disruption to a match or delaying it on purpose is unacceptable.

8. Following Anti-Cheat Measures:
If you are requested to provide anti-cheat measures such as recordings or other requests then you are required to follow the instructions of the staff members. With cheating being a problem in the scene, following instructions will help authenticate your match.

9. Leaving Matches Prematurely:
Once a match has ended, you are required to stay for at least 15 seconds so that your name appears on the scoreboard. Leaving prematurely is unprofessional and will result in consequences that may affect your team.


Fair play is the cornerstone of any sport, including mobile esports. It not only upholds the spirit of healthy competition but also ensures the longevity and credibility of the esports industry. The more successful the esports scene becomes, the more opportunities and tournaments become available for you and your team.

By following the fair play guidance and advocating for a culture of respect and integrity, players can collectively contribute to a thriving esports community that is not only welcoming but also inclusive, and enjoyable for everyone involved. This will be the standard moving forward on how to engage in the esports scene and to accept fair play as an essential value in mobile esports. This will set a standard of conduct for all players and teams, regardless of their location, to be part of elevating esports to new heights.