The NA Qualifier: Team Spotlight – Team FAM

A new participant in the NA Qualifier is Team FAM which has been recently acquired by Team EnForcerz. This team consists of players that come from high profile clans that believe in a common goal. What makes them even closer is the fact that they were friends before being a team – a vital bond and precursor to good team work. Now, what raises our interest in this new team is the fact that they are currently ranked in the top 16 in the NA Qualifier.

In Round 1, Team FAM was matched with RvL Clan but managed to secure a spot for Round 2. Then they were matched up with Team SoL and again, successfully secured a spot in Round 3. Being in the top 16 means that they will be getting an invite to the World Cup Tournament for their professionalism, reliability, and skills.

However, the road will not be easy as matches become more competitive and tactical. Will Team FAM manage to make it to the NA Finals? Nothing is impossible if they train hard enough. They wanted to leave you with one message: ”To the bigger teams out there, we are coming for you!”

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